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The Berlin crowd celebrating the release of the long awaited 13th issue of Surf and Skate Magazine WHAT YOUTH, who began by documenting surfing, but quickly realized there was a lot of other rad shit happening around them as well: Music. Skating. Art. Fashion. Travel. Food. Drink. Life.

NO SAINTS Exhibition Opening

It was one of these summer nights when No Saints opened their exhibition at Backyard: you plan to pop over for a drink and than stay until the early morning hours, connecting friends, connecting times.

Fotos Lichtrotor / Hautskizzen

Draußen Schneetreiben, innen der kinetische Lichtrotor von Danai Moshona und die Tattooskizzen sowie Fotos bereits entstandener Werke der Künstlerin Suzan Rinow. Tattoo-Interessierte können über uns Kontakt zu Suzan aufnehmen und einen Termin vereinbaren. Bilder der Ausstellungseröffnung weiter unten.

Ausstellung Suzan Rinow Animaux Sauvage

When SUZAN RINOW started her career as an artist and bartender in Berlin, Backyard was the first locations she exhibited and jobbed at. Meanwhile she is working at Berghain/Panorama Bar – quite a jump, but even more she has developed as an artist, focusing on her tattooing art and due to her fine drawings and […]

Firmament Killing Classics Barbecue

It’s Fashion Week Baby! The Firmament Killing Classics event by Berlin Mitte based menswear shop FIRMAMENT during MBFW featured an all-original brazilian BBQ and music by Berlin hype guys Nico Adomako, Hannah Faith, JD Reid und Lee Stuart.


In celebration of their newest Activity Tracker, french brand Withings teamed up with Berlin superhype Run Group THE RUN PACK and launched a video documenting them during Berlin Halfmarathon. The invite only launch event at Backyard featured a tasty barbeque prepared by Backyard’s very own cook involving healthy burgers and even more healthy salads and […]